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Stonewashed linen - adventages 0

Stonewashed linen - what is it?

Washed linen has a characteristic pastel or slightly faded color. It is a perfectly insulating and breathable material. The linen washing process increases the softness and elasticity of the fabric by loosening the weave and softening the hard fibers. It's great for traditional, rustic or vintage clothing designs, but has many other industrial uses as well.


Washed linen production methods:

Organic softening - using natural mineral rocks such as pumice or other formations of volcanic origin, the hard linen yarn is softened, thanks to its strength, the fibers are not destroyed in the process, but only smoothed.

Method using enzymes of organic origin. Simpler and gaining popularity due to its effectiveness. Treatment using the principles of physical and material mechanics is used to soften the structures of linen yarn and to wash away hard protein compounds.


Traditional linen and washed linen - differences:

  • modern weaving technology
    much softer, silky to the touch compared to traditional linen fabrics
    less shrinkage compared to standard linen
    characteristic appearance, as if wrinkled

Advantages of washed linen

  • traditional, neat look, modern fabric
    naturally breathable
    absorbent, does not cause sweating even in hot summer

Raw linen is quite a rough and prickly material, this is our association, a rustic, traditional fabric that has been replaced by new materials - mainly cotton. There is a grain of truth in this, but now the situation has changed significantly, the production technology is evolving, and weaving has not been spared.

Washed linen is significantly different from traditional linen - the prewash process makes it softer and silkier to the touch.

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